Thursday, July 22, 2010

The French Project : Part Deux / or Recap

So after a long drive home from Duluth I rolled into the parking garage just before three o’clock last Friday and I was crevée, totally deflated. I dragged my luggage and groceries into my 83 degree apartment, looked at the mess, looked at the groceries, decided to take a nap. Around 4:30 I rolled out of bed in my 86 degree apartment and committed myself to getting to work. But first I had to shower and reset the air conditioning. Around 5:15 in my 87 degree apartment I started to unload my grocery bags. I also tried resetting the air conditioning. 5:45 my apartment is still a mess, but the chicken is cooked and ready to be broiled, the brown basmati is almost finished, vegetables are chopped and ready to be thrown in the oven. It was 91 degrees in the apartment. I tried resetting the air conditioning. I started to set the table. I was so overheated I kept trying to will the dishes out of their cabinets with my mind power but, obviously, that didn’t work. When the first guests arrived, a little before 6:30, there were a couple of glasses on the table and one stack of plates. It was 95 degrees in the apartment. I couldn’t imagine eating in such heat, no wonder the French don’t eat until after the sun has started to set.

After such an introduction you may guess that the whole night was a flop. Let me assure you, it wasn’t. With my friends and a helpful brother (Lynn’s brother), we carried dishes, music, and food up to the third floor activity room where we spent the evening eating and chatting and enjoying each other’s company. We couldn’t bring the wine into the community room, but by the time we’d eaten through four courses it had cooled down outside and we were able to return to the apartment and catch a breeze. Glasses of wine in hand, somebody actually suggested we play a game. Let me tell you, I have a whole shelving unit full of games I’ve bought in hopes that someone will play with me. I was thrilled by this suggestion and immediately pulled out my latest favorite Hoopla, a Cranium game in which everyone is on the same team playing against the timer.

The games were followed by a celebratory trip to Sally’s for a couple of birthday drinks, Lynn’s birthday. By the time we got home, almost everyone had decided to stay over. So, around 2:30 am, 12 hours after I’d arrived home from Duluth, I tucked everyone into the couches and air mattress, put on a movie, and went to bed. Though I started the evening on empty, a few hours with friends and food restored me. It was great.

I did find out that it is hard to cook on $5 a person, harder if some people bring wine instead of money. Also, already this weekend there is Lumberjack Days and other things to do, so my original ambition to host Friday night dinner every Friday night has been modified. Friday night dinners will happen the second Friday of the month and it will cost $5 per person, bring your alcohol. The next Friday night dinner will be Friday, August 13th (though I think with Renee’s wedding the next day we’ll have to skip the trip to Sally’s that night).

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