Sunday, May 23, 2010

June 15th - Last day of school

Quotes from the kindergarten room:

"Two and four make six? Ha! What a funny Joke!"
(My little Sammy)

"Does anyone remember what the word 'estimate' means?"
"Um. um. uh. it's the kind of way that an elf talks!"

"Hey, can I tell ya somethin'? Can I tell you somethin'? I got a new growl! RAWR!"


M and S

I'm nearing the end of my year in the crazy pen, the booger factory, the big stuffy room without air conditioning. I've caught every cold that went through the school this past season without receiving any health benefits. I've carried kicking, screaming, pinching kindergarteners to the principal's office and I've gotten peed on. And this the only place I have ever been at the absolute bottom of the totem pole in terms of position. But it has been a funny year and a great experience. There are fun stories to pass on, Sam and the Fire Truck Man, the abandoned pair of underwear with turds in the hallway, the toot that closed the Starlab, and the political debate. What has been truly enriching has been getting to know my little guys on an intimate level. To learn about how big a personality can be even without the ability to talk or walk or count past ten. To learn how exciting it is to be able to count to ten! Working with M has taught me so much about communication and I've learned how to read his expressions and moods, I've learned how to anticipate his needs, and I've learned how to tell when he's making fun of me. It has been great.

So, if you hear me grumbling in the hall with the other staff members - staff members who are talking about writing letters to the capital to protest the lengthy school year or the lack of air conditioning - just know that I will always consider my year as a special education para as one of my great experiences.

Impossible not to love these boys. Most of the time. :)
M, Z, & S

A Couple of Stories

Sammy can't say words that start with two consonants:

On Fire Safety Day the retired fire chief came to visit the kindergarteners. He brought with him an old Bert doll, some pretend matches, and a semi-functioning electronic dalmatian that would have been totally awesome in the early 90's. The former chief gave the presentation he's given multiple times per year for many years in his old tired voice. At the end of his presentation the kindergarteners were allowed to ask questions. Throughout the presentation I was so proud of my little Sammy, who usually has zero patience, but who managed to sit still through it all. He was the first to raise his hand. I was astounded by the patience he showed while his hand stretched up as far as it could, energy bursting out of his fingertips. I thought, "Call on him, call on him, he can't hold it in much longer." And he couldn't. Suddenly he started yelling in his squeeky little voice, "Hey! Fire F***! Fire F***! Hey, Mr. Fire F*** Man? I gotta ask ya somethin'! Mr. Fire F*** Man, I gotta ask ya somethin'!" Fortunately, unfortunately, the chief didn't hear Sam too well. Those of us who did stood behind the seated children with tears of laughter streaming down our cheeks. According to the Speech pathologist at our school, many parents come to her and ask her to "just please teach my kid how to say truck!."

Politics among 5-year-olds:

Savannah: "Obama is the best president we've ever had."
Jake: "Should've been McCain."
Savannah: "Obama is better"
Jake: "No Mccain is better. Mccain thinks everyone should be treated the same."
Savannah: "No, Obama does"
Abby: "Well, everyone should believe in God."
Dylan: "Well, we all believe in Santa Clause, don't we?"